torek, 21. oktober 2008

... I don't know anymore, how many ups and downs do I have to put up with, before I trully find my inner peace, before i find myself. What another or new path shall I take, to make it the right one? The fulfilling one? The ultimate one or close to one of those? Am I loosin' control? Loosin' my mind? Or simply cracking under pressure? And therefore budildin up new walls, again? You've seen the writings on the wall ... Is there anything else that i'm losin'? Wasting'? How much longer do I have to hold on? And if they say, there's always a light at the the end of the tunnel, isn't there the slightest chance, that is a freight train???
Perhaps I shall wait for a "4.A.M. miracle" ... Soon.

1 komentar:

Anonimni pravi ...

Vse se zgodi z enim namenom. Sicer je pa za vsako spremembo in napredek kljucen nek motiv oziroma brca v rit, ki te pozene. Tako je v tem kontekstu stagnacija oziroma 'iskanje samega sebe' super zadeva. Pomeni, da isces motiv. Problem je, ce se 'nehas iskati' in boriti. Vse to govorim iz svojih izkusenj. Sem pa preprican, da to ze vse ves, samo malo spodbude potrebujes. Keep up the good work! ;)